JAXA’s little space camera that could

A quick update on the recently-launched IKAROS Japanese solar sail spacecraft:  Earlier this week the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) reported visual confirmation that IKAROS’s solar sail has fully expanded as designed. As you can see, a complete success!  Congratulations are in order all around to the IKAROS team as the craft enters into its […]

Read More JAXA’s little space camera that could

Plant living on the Moon?

If plans unfold as originally intended, one unexpected result of Google’s Lunar X Prize (which, like the original Ansari X Prize, is intended to spur private industry involvement in space development,) may be the transport and growth of the Moon’s first living plant. Odyssey Moon Ventures LLC and Paragon Space Development Corporation announced a partnership in […]

Read More Plant living on the Moon?

This Week: Space Falcons and Solar Sails

It’s with no small sense of excitement that I report two important developments this past week.  First, of course, is the successful inaugural flight of the Falcon 9 rocket I’ve been following for some time now (here, here, and here). As the frontrunner corporate replacement for NASA’s retiring Space Shuttle, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) has proven with this launch […]

Read More This Week: Space Falcons and Solar Sails

Space: The Northern Frontier

So, you want to build a rocketship? -Lines like these are sprinkled across advertisements during the 1960s for everything from whiskey to sprinkler manufacturers, painting themselves as part of a brighter future.  So, with expectations 50 years ago set so high, in many respects the 21st Century to them would be something of a disappointment. […]

Read More Space: The Northern Frontier

What does space sound like to you?

In space, no one can hear… well, anything.  And this raises an interesting question to me: What does space sound like to you?  -Because for a place physically incapable of transmitting sound, there are an awful lot of sounds that come to mind when we think toward the stars. Laser cannons?  Phasers?  Lightsabers?  The roar […]

Read More What does space sound like to you?

Alien archeology – now a real science?

Well, I’ve done it.  Making good on a promise I made to myself while presenting a poster at the Society of American Archaeology conference in 2008, I recently submitted an article to the journal Space Policy outlining a framework for a science that doesn’t quite exist yet: Xenoarchaeology. “Xeno” is Greek/Latin for “foreign” or “stranger.” […]

Read More Alien archeology – now a real science?